Time Is Money

Find out how much time, on average, you are paying your technicians to measure and record patients' vitals & if there is room for improvement. 

Shocked young business woman using laptop looking at computer screen blown away in stupor sitting outside corporate office. Human face expression, emotion, feeling, perception, body language, reaction

Request A Meeting With Us

Patient Care Is Number One


Start checking in with your technicians and learning how many times they struggle to obtain vitals on a troublesome patient. 

All vitals must get recorded in the 3 hours post-anesthesia, and technicians with troublesome patients may need extra help. 

There is help out there that does not take time away from other technicians. 


Sit down with your technicians and learn of their ideas to improve patient care at the hospital. After all, they go to trade shows, learn of new monitoring techniques, and review the newly available resources as well.


Time is money. We want our technicians to fully monitor every patient while also being able to complete other important daily tasks. 


Set your technicians up for success. High-quality patient care is the most important veterinary medicine objective. Implement the tools that help set your team and patients up for success. 


  • Wireless monitors
  • Workflow optimization tools
  • Digital record-keeping